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Scholarship's 411

College scholarships can be a great way to fill in some of the tuition blanks when federal or state grants and loans don't cover all the costs. Nearly everyone knows scholarships are "out there;" the key to finding them is knowing where to look. Here's help with your search.

Most high school counselors' offices have files full of avail­able scholarships, and many distribute information about upcoming scholarship oppor­tunities. Check bulletin boards around the guidance center, too. Some scholarships require you be nominated by a school counselor, teacher or principal of your school.


Internet searches can reveal a wealth of scholarship opportunities. The New York State Higher Edu­cation Services Corp. ( is a great place to start. You can set up searches by field of study, keyword, loca­tion and other variables. Some scholar­ships have online applications. Look out for ".com" scholarship searches — they may try to sell you something you don't need.


Employers may offer college schol­arships as an employee benefit. Your parents or guardians should check with their human resources department to see if a scholarship is available for family members. If you work part-time, you may qualify for an employee scholarship, if one is available.


Colleges or schools you are considering may have scholarships available. College websites include details about campus scholarships offered to incoming stu­dents. Look at the admissions or financial aid sections.


If you haven't already developed a re­sume, do it now. Include any special proj­ects you completed, awards earned, vol­unteer work or paid jobs. It will help deter­mine whether you meet the scholarship's requirements.


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